
Former Braemar Hill Nursery School and Diocesan Girls' School English Teacher Private lessons on Early Literacy and General English
h教學進修 / 補習hkengtutor.missd

Piano, Theory, Aural Training lessons/Instrumental accompaniment offered by a lady tutor with FRSM, LRSM, ACABRSM diplomas in Piano performance & LMusTCL, AMusTCL diplomas in Music Theory (55005891)
音樂 / 教學進修(大坑/銅鑼灣/天后區)全職持FRSM鋼琴兼LMusTCL樂理女師

The company is providing interior design services (Interior design only), participating in different interior design for residential, restaurant and office......etc.

2 months old bb kittens only 3000 hkd to 4000hkd

英國短毛金影漸層大眼妹(ny11) 父母係俄羅斯金影世家純種血統 3.5個月大打齊針 骨架靚、頭圓、大眼、手腳短粗,綠眼睛 性格溫馴,健康活潑,上手即煲水呼嚕呼嚕 優良血統靚貓B可遇不可求
K寵物 / 寵物轉讓Kellycats

What's your children actually need when they feel confused on their instrument? PATIENT. Not only for them, but also for you. I can prove it by my experience. Take a look on my profie!
O音樂 / 教學進修Oscar YIP

經驗豐富,拔尖補底,啟發學習興趣 講解清晰,生動有趣,貼近生活 著重理解,減低記憶負荷 鍛鍊思維,培養解難能力 服務範圍:港島上門 查詢:Julian Chan 98333004 (Whatsapp Only) Email: [email protected] Website: chanjulian.blogspot.hk
J教學進修 / 補習Julian Chan

土瓜灣沙中線對正出口,浙江街合誠商業大廈寫字樓連租約放售,529建呎實收420萬, 連租約, 回報超3厘, 有意whatsapp only, 代理勿擾!
o物業地產 / 辦公室買賣officesold2019

Rare and adorable Sylvanian Families doll house with lights. Accessories can be added for small additional price. Very heavy: around 3 Kg so best to deliver to you by hand. Can meet at Siu Hong MTR b

One and Only Speed dating 同時是One and Only Wedding Planning 的分支, 旗下有數名專業Wedding Planner,七年經驗的婚姻司儀及美容達人。各成員對香港戀愛文化, 極速約會, 乃至婚姻大事都有非常深入的認識。在dating業務方面, 我們深明香港工作環境,工時長,職場性別單一化的問題, 令不少朋友難以認識異性,因此我們抱著解決問題的熱
O消閒及娛樂 / 交友尋緣One and Only Speed Dating


Purebred Maine Coon Kittens For Adoption We have 2 available kittens left 1 male and 1 female
l寵物 / 寵物領養leejohnny202

salon beds and client base, plus many many gifts, sell for only 10,000 hkd

Perfect for folded as well as long and short hanging garments, can store a lot ofclothes and save space, in pure white, 78x190 cm, bought only 3 months ago ---- still brand new

心心水業集團是香港唯一一家公司,同時提供3種不同飲用水﹝蒸餾水、純淨水、加礦水﹞ 。我們同時有一系列的飲水機及飲用水機配件以供客戶選擇,亦提供水機清洗維修保養服務,全面覆蓋客戶於樽裝水系統上所需。
t商業 / 節目及活動tiptopwater

B2 level, large space, close to lift, 1 min drive to main road. whatsapp only

交通方便 距離太和港鐵站十分鐘車程 空氣清新環境優美寧靜 鳥語花香 單間套房 分租 適合小家庭 或單身人士 短時間或長期彈性出租 可包傢俱 可提供車位 分租 大約450呎 一房一廳一浴室一廚 花園千多呎可共同使用
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